
Welcome to the Dietitians in Nutrition Support DPG Website!

We are thrilled to be launching a brand-new website, and hope
to have all of our member benefits up and running soon.
We thank you for your patience as we continue to add content.
Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback during
this process.


Developing Leaders

Academy Elections:
Call for Nominations

The Academy is seeking dynamic and visionary leaders who are ready to make a meaningful impact and be a part of this exciting journey towards a bright future for our Academy.

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News & Announcements

  • NEW YouTube Video "Energy and Protein Needs in Critical Illness - Dietetic Practice Updates"

    Recent studies on protein and calorie provisions for the critically ill patient have started to contrast standard recommendations, often making it confusing when calculating needs. Join Britta MS, RD, ...
  • New YouTube Video! Preparing for clinical dietetic internship rotations - What you need to know!

    Are you about to start clinical rotations for your dietetic internship? Join Nikki, MDA, RDN, CNSC as she shares her wealth of knowledge from supervising hundreds of dietetic interns through their educational ...
  • New YouTube Video!! Calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D - Pediatric micronutrient management

    Bone mineralization and growth are happening constantly throughout childhood and a few key micronutrients play major roles in bone health as well as other metabolic processes. In this video, Alyson RD, ...
  • New YouTube Video: The Importance of Pediatric Nutrition Focused Physical Exams

    In recent years, Nutrition Focused Physical Exams (NFPEs) have become an important part of a dietitian's toolkit for assessing clinical patients. Similar to their use in adult patients, NFPEs can be integral ...
  • Your Input is needed! Please take a minute to complete the survey..

    is survey hopes to gather information on nutrition intervention for patients recovering from hip fracture surgery. The survey questions involve the volume of hip fractures at the dietitian's institution, ...

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