
DNS offers several CEU-approved webinars annually, most of which are free to DNS members. 

If you missed the live event, recordings are available in the Academy store and CEUs are active for 3 years. When attempting to access a webinar recording in the Academy store, be sure to sign in to the Academy website before adding the webinar to your cart in order to receive discounted pricing or free access. 

Upcoming Webinar:

Using Patient-Reported Outcomes to Measure Quality of Life in Home Parenteral Nutrition

February 26, 2025 at 1PM (CST)

Quality of life (QOL) is a subjective concept often described as the perception of satisfaction or happiness with life in areas of importance to the individual.  Historically, the parenteral nutrition (PN) literature has portrayed poor QOL among home PN dependent patients, yet subjective reports are often better and some of the discrepancies may be related to use of generic health related QOL instruments rather than disease or therapy-specific questionnaires.  This webinar will define QOL among home PN dependent adults, identify factors that influence QOL, and introduce patient reported outcomes designed to improve communication about QOL between patients, families, and clinicians. 


  1.  Define quality of life as it relates to home parenteral nutrition dependency.
  2.  Identify factors that influence quality of life of home parenteral nutrition dependent adults.
  3.  Apply knowledge from therapy-specific patient reported outcome questionnaire to the care of home parenteral nutrition dependent patients

Speaker Bio: 

Marion Winkler, PhD, RD, LDN, CNSC is Professor of Surgery at Brown University Alpert School of Medicine (Providence, RI) and a Surgical Nutrition Specialist in the Department of Surgery at Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University Health.  Dr. Winkler  has expertise in  managing enteral and parenteral nutrition in acute care, critical care, and home care and has expertise in the nutritional management of short bowel syndrome.  Dr. Winkler received a BS in Nutrition from Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland Ohio), MS in Allied Health and Clinical Dietetic Research from the University of Connecticut, and PhD in Health Sciences from Rutgers University.  She is a Past President of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) and the ASPEN Rhoads Research Foundation, and a past Chair of Dietitians in Nutrition Support.  Dr. Winkler serves as a Deputy Editor for the Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (JPEN) and a research editor for the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (JAND).  She is on the medical advisory board for LIFT-ECHO (Learn Intestinal Failure Therapy) Her research focuses on quality of life and patient reported outcomes in home parenteral nutrition.

Register Here

Recorded Webinars:

Developing and Implementing a Nutrition Education and Training Program for Non-Nutrition Focused Medical Health Professionals

January 2025

Nutrition education is known to be deficient in medical graduate education. Registered Dietitians (RDs), who specialize in medical nutrition therapy, are crucial members of the multidisciplinary hospital team however resources may be limited. Physicians, being at the forefront of patient care, need a focused nutrition training to better equip them with basic nutrition guidelines, knowledge, and resources to improve patient quality of care and outcomes through informed nutritional interventions.

Recording pending

EFAD in Home Nutrition Support Patients: How is it diagnosed, Who is at risk, and What are the clinical strategies to navigate EFAD in this Population?

December 2024

Essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) is a well-defined however commonly overlooked complication in patients on home PN. This webinar will use current literature, guidelines, and examples from clinical practice to identify which patients on your home nutrition support service are at risk for EFAD, how to diagnose EFAD using physical presentation and specific diagnostic criteria, and brainstorm clinical application strategies to reduce the incidence of EFAD as well as to treat existing EFAD cases.

Recording pending

Nutrition and Ethics: Are They Going to Starve? 

May 2024

This webinar reviews the role of artificially administered nutrition and hydration (AANH) in different medical scenarios, its benefit versus risk, and how the registered dietitian nutritionist can apply this knowledge to everyday case scenarios.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Practice - The Evolution & Future of Nutrition Support Teams

March 2024

This webinar touches on the history of nutrition support teams, financial considerations, and action steps for justifying, establishing, or maintaining a nutrition support team.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

How Should We Incorporate EFFORT-PROTEIN and NUTRIREA-3 Trials Into Our Critical Care Nutrition Support Practice? 

December 2023

This webinar will discuss the role of protein in the treatment of critically ill patients and utilizing the results of the EFFORT-PROTEIN and NUTRIREA-3 trials to improve patient care of the critically ill.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

IV Lipid Emulsions in Parenteral Nutrition: Acute Care and Home Care

May 2023

This presentation will include a review of commercially available lipid injectable emulsion (ILE) products (soybean oil-based, olive-oil based, four-oil blend and fish oil) and a deeper look at the available evidence supporting their use in various practice settings.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

Malnutrition Update: GLIM, Validation, and More

May 2023

This session will provide details on the similarities and differences between the Academy/ASPEN and GLIM malnutrition diagnostic approaches and how they can be used to diagnose malnutrition. In addition, key validation efforts of these tools will be highlighted.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

The Journey from COVID Inpatient to Post-COVID/Post-ICU Syndrome

May 2023

This webinar reviews inpatient nutrition care of the Covid-19 patients and the impact of nutrition on outpatient recovery.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

The Gut Microbiome and COVID-19: A Role for Probiotics?

May 2023

This webinar reviews the role of probiotic supplementation on gut microbiota manipulation in Covid-19 patients.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

Micronutrient Deficiency Prevention, Identification, Supplementation, and Shortages

March 2023

Micronutrient deficiency, identification and supplementation during an era of shortages.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $0.00

Nonmember price: $0.00

Mechanical Ventilation Considerations for Clinical Dietitians

December 2022

This webinar will cover the topic "Mechanical Ventilation Considerations for Clinical Dietitians" presented by J. Brady Scott, PhD, RRT, RRT-ACCS, AE-C, FAARC, FCCP.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

Social Determinants of Health & Nutrition Support

May 2022

A webinar discussing social determinants of health, their impact on nutrition support, and the role of the dietitian in managing nutrition support to accommodate these factors.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

Transition of Enteral Nutrition from Acute Care to Home

March 2022

A webinar with two speakers describing tips for smoothly transitioning nutrition care from acute care to home for the patient on enteral feedings.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

Transition of Parenteral Nutrition from Acute Care to Home

February 2022

A webinar discussing important information dietitians should know to help in the transition for patients from acute care to home on parenteral nutrition.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00

2021 Digestive Diseases Nutrition Series (10 CEU)

November 2021

A virtual event hosted by Dietitians in Gluten and Gastrointestinal Disorders with Dietitians in Nutrition Support. Ten presentations on topics ranging from IBD and SIBO to psychogastroenterology and intestinal rehabilitation.

DNS Member price: $99.00

Academy Member price: $139.00

Nonmember price: $179.00

Enteral Nutrition: Complications and Monitoring

September 2021

A webinar describing the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and management of gastrointestinal (GI) complications of enteral nutrition.

DNS Member price: $0.00

Academy Member price: $24.00

Nonmember price: $54.00